Things to do in Georgia

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Kazbek - Ananuri
Kazbek - Ananuri
During our trip along the Georgian Military Road we will see the picturesque ‎‎Zhinvali‎‎ reservoir, ‎‎the fortress of Ananuri.‎‎ ‎‎
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Mtskheta - Jvari
Mtskheta - Jvari
Kakheti ‎‎is the most fertile region in Georgia and the birthplace of the best wine in the entire post-Soviet space.
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Kakheti - Bodbe - Signagi
Kakheti - Bodbe - Signagi
Kakheti is hectares of vineyards. This is the place where the best Georgian wine is produced. There are incredible views of the Alazani Valley, which are somewhat reminiscent of Provence or Tuscany.
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Vardzia - Rabati - Borjomi
Vardzia - Rabati - Borjomi
Vardzia‎‎- Cave monastery complex of XII-XIII centuries in the south of Georgia, in ‎‎Javakheti.‎‎ An outstanding monument of medieval Georgian architecture. It is located in the Aspindz district ‎‎of the Samtskhe-Javakheti‎‎region, in the valley ‎‎of the Kura‎‎ River (Mtkvari).
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About an hour's drive from the capital is almost deserted area of Georgia, where there are almost no settlements and familiar to other areas of vegetation.
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Kakheti - Bodbe - Signagi - Telavi
Kakheti - Bodbe - Signagi - Telavi
‎There are amazing places where wishes are necessarily fulfilled. Such a place is the Basilica ‎‎of St. Nino‎‎ in the convent ‎‎"Bodbe".‎ ‎If desired, you can go down to the miraculous spring ‎‎of St. Nino‎.
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Martvili canyon - Prometheus cave
Martvili canyon - Prometheus cave
Excursion to the ‎‎Cave of Prometheus. Martvila Canyon‎‎ and thermal springs is a one-day group and individual tour of one of the most beautiful places in Georgia. Prometheus Cave, also known as ‎‎Kumistavi‎‎Cave, is located near the town ‎‎of Tskaltubo.
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We will take a journey into the prehistoric past of Georgia and trace the amazing path that the Georgian people have traveled. You will visit ancient temples, monasteries and fortresses that played an important role in the history of the country.
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