Terms for guides


Rules for using the service for guides Travelnerd

1. General terms

1.1. Travelnerd (www.magicwizardtours.com, Travelnerd OU) is a platform that provides technical, organisational, informational and other opportunities using information technology to search and book excursions and other travel activities

1.2. Travelnerd does not directly organise excursions and other travel services, limiting itself to providing information to the User who is the consumer of this information.

1.3. Activity Providers undertake to pay remuneration for the services rendered in the amount and in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.

1.4. By registering on the www.magicwizardtours.com website, you agree to these Terms of Service and undertake to comply with them unconditionally in full.

2. Basic rules of the service for Activity Providers

Activity providers are Guides, Tour operators and companies, tour agencies, other online travel services, etc.

2.1. Registration on www.magicwizardtours.com is free of charge for Activity Providers.

2.2. The Activity Provider undertakes not to place its contact information, as well as logos and company symbols (contact phone number, email, skype, website address and other data) in the text, images and other information fields of excursions and sections of the site not directly intended for this.

2.3. Activity Providers are prohibited from hosting services that involve the provision of sexual services.

2.4. When corresponding with the User, the Activity Provider undertakes not to directly transfer to the User its contact information (contact phone, email, skype and other data) in the text of messages, information about other Providers, direct or indirect, as well as information about third-party resources and persons providing services, similar to the services of the Service or the Activity Provider.

2.5. Upon receipt of the Request for the Service from the User, the Activity Provider undertakes to consider the Request and within 6 business hours send the User a response to accept or reject the request.

2.5.1 If (in accordance with the settings of the tour) the User is informed of the Activity Provider's contact number, the Activity Provider undertakes to answer calls to this number from 09:00 to 20:00 local time.

2.6. In case of a positive response to the Request from the User, the Activity Provider undertakes to provide the requested services within the specified timeframes (date, time, place) in compliance with all the data indicated on its own personal page and the page of a specific service (excursion) (city of services, language of negotiations, completeness and quality of services provided).

2.7. The provision of the booked service is the responsibility of the Activity Provider. Travelnerd OU is not responsible for the obligations of the Activity Provider, is not responsible for the quality of the services provided. The Service is not responsible for the costs and obligations of the provider arising from the User's failure to appear at the place of commencement of the provision of the Service.

2.8. In case of a complaint from users about a poor-quality service provided, Travelnerd's commission is non-refundable, however, Travelnerd may redirect such a complaint to the Provider for a mutual decision on compensation to the User.

2.9. In case of successful payment for the booking of the Request by the User, the contact details of the Activity Provider will be transferred to the User, and in turn the contact details of the User will be transferred to the Activity Provider for direct contact.

2.10.1 The Provider warrants that the cost of a service on the www.magicwizardtours.com website does not exceed the cost of a similar service posted on behalf of the Provider or its affiliates on other websites, platforms, social media pages.

2.10.2 The Activity Provider agrees that the cost of booking the service by the User is at least 20% of the cost of the service. The minimum cost of booking a service: for EU countries - 4.5 euros; for other countries - 3.5 dollars. A commission is charged on each ticket. The cost of booking is included in the cost of the service itself, displayed on the site.

2.10.3 The Activity Provider agrees that Travelnerd may provide a discount to the User in the amount of 5 to 10% of the total order value. This discount is non-refundable. Travelnerda's commission is calculated from the order value minus the discount amount.

2.10.4 The Activity Provider shall pay Travelnerd LLC a commission of the established amount for the right to use the computer program provided by Travelnerd LLC, deployed as the Travelnerd Internet platform.

2.11. Settlement methods:

2.11.1. Pay on the spot.

The User pays 100% of the cost of the service directly to the Activity Provider within the terms agreed with the Activity Provider. The Activity Provider transfers the commission to Travelnerd (from 20% of the cost of the service) by any method from paragraph 2.13.2 within 3 working days after the excursion has taken place.

Providing the necessary reporting documents (invoice, etc.) to the User is the responsibility of the Activity Provider.

2.11.2 Deposit (default)

The user pays a commission to Travelnerdy online, the remaining 80% is paid directly to the Activity Provider.

2.12. Penalties for canceling a pre-confirmed service

The Activity Provider is obliged to pay a fine of the established amount in the following situations:

2.12.1. When canceling a tour paid in advance by a tourist

If the Activity Provider cancels an excursion paid in advance by the tourist, the Activity Provider pays a fine in favor of Travelnerd in the amount of the commission agreed when adding the Activity Provider from the cost of each paid ticket (for EU countries - 4.5 euros; for other countries - 3.5 dollars)

2.12.2. The user asks for a refund for the tour

If the User asks Travelnerd to return the money for a low-quality excursion, then Travelnerd, after listening to both parties: the User and the Activity Provider, decides to return the money. If the User's dissatisfaction is justified, the Activity Provider undertakes to refund the full cost of the excursion, including Travelnerd's commission, unless otherwise expressly agreed in the correspondence between the Activity Provider and Travelnerd.

2.12.3. Refunds must be made by the Activity Provider to Travelnerd within 3 calendar days from the date Travelnerd issued the relevant request. The provider chooses any convenient method for the transfer from paragraph 2.13. The return of funds to the User is carried out by Travelnerd in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by law.

2.12.4. Any transfer of funds by the Provider to the User is considered to be made by the Provider at his own risk and does not exclude the Provider's obligations under clause 2.12.3., unless otherwise expressly agreed in the correspondence between the Provider and Travelnerd.

2.13. Methods of mutual settlements between the Activity Provider and Travelnerd are set out at the link below


2.13.1 Changing the method of mutual settlements in the event of debt formation

In the event that the Activity Provider has a debt to Travelnerd overdue for more than 30 days in the amount of more than 500 euro(or equal to it in any currency), Travelnerd reserves the right to change the methods of charging Users for orders received at the Activity Provider's events to the full payment for the order on the Travelnerda website and / or full payment of the order to the Activity Provider on the day of the excursion.

In this case, for the full payment of orders on the site, a discount of up to 10% will be applied at the expense of the debtor.

The funds collected for orders paid in this way will be used to pay off the Activity Provider's debt to Travelnerd.

Changing the method of payment for orders specified in this clause does not exclude the Activity Provider's obligation to pay off the existing debt as provided for by the contract and business customs.

Information about the status of the debt will be displayed by Travelnerd in the Activity Provider's personal account.

2.14. Return Policy

In all cases when the activity is canceled by the Activity Provider, we guarantee a refund of 100% of the payment made.

2.14.1 If the activity cannot be implemented because of the regulator’s actions connected with anti covid policies, Travelnerd OU guarantee a refund of 100% of the payment made.

2.14.2. Changing the date of the tour

When the User requests to change the date of the tour after making the payment, the User agrees on the desired date with the Activity Provider through personal messages or a phone call. A written confirmation of the Activity Provider in the correspondence on the website about the change of date is required. There are no additional fees for this.

If in the end the date is not agreed due to the Guide or the Tourist, then the standard return conditions apply www.magicwizardtours.com/en/pages/travelnerd-refund-policy

2.15. The Activity Provider is responsible for all the data specified by him on the website: description of the service, price of the service, schedule, etc. After the user has booked the service at the cost indicated on the website, the Activity Provider has no right to offer the user to change the cost of the service without prior written agreement with the Service (as in larger or smaller side). The Service reserves the right to refuse such approval. The Activity Provider, in case of refusal to provide the service at the price booked by the User, is obliged to pay a fine to the service in the manner specified in clause 2.12 of these Rules.

The Provider notifies Travelnerd of all service changes in advance by sending an email to travelnerdme@gmail.com , and makes these changes by editing excursions.

3. Compliance with copyright

3.1. Activity Providers are prohibited from posting on their page or page of the Service information (photos, promotional materials, as well as any other information that is the object of intellectual property rights), the rights to use of which belong to third parties. This requirement also applies to logos and trademarks. The Activity Provider is obliged to confirm the right to use the posted information at the first request of Travelnerd.

3.2. Travelnerd is not responsible for the use by Activity Providers of materials, the rights to which belong to third parties (photos, informational materials, etc.). In case of detection of materials protected by copyrights of third parties, upon receipt of the request of the owner of this information, Travelnerd will immediately block this information.

3.3. All information received from the Activity Provider regarding the services provided is the property of the Activity Provider.

3.4. All other information is the property of Travelnerd. Unauthorized distribution of information owned by Travelnerd without written consent is prohibited.

4. Security and privacy

4.1. All contact information provided by Users and Activity Providers is used only for the provision of services within the framework of the Travelnerd service and is not provided to third parties.

4.2. The Travelnerd service may block access to the User or the Activity Provider in case they violate the rules of the service.

4.3. The Travelnerd service does not bear any responsibility for the information specified by the User or the Activity Provider and the quality of the services provided, limited to providing the opportunity to register the User's comments on the page of the relevant Activity Provider. This comment will be available to all Users. At the same time, a comment is possible only on the part of those users who used the services of this Activity Provider.

4.4. In the event of negative feedback on the quality of the Service provided by the Provider, Travelnerd may respond by lowering the rating of the Activity Provider, or blocking the Activity Provider, or charging a fine to the Activity Provider.

4.5. Data provided by Users and Activity Providers must not violate generally accepted moral or legal norms. The use of profanity is prohibited.

4.6. The site www.magicwizardtours.com is protected from hacking or unauthorized access by modern software and hardware. However, www.magicwizardtours.com does not guarantee that the data will not be intercepted during transmission.

4.7. Responsibility for receiving and processing (processing) payments is entirely the responsibility of the payment system.

5. Contact information

5.1. The www.magicwizardtours.com website, logo and trademark are owned by Travelnerd OU, a legal entity under the laws of the Estonia.

OÜ Travel Nerd

Registry code 16388532 

Address: Tallinn, 10145, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tornimäe tn 3 // 5 // 7

CEO Kim Alexander
