Best part about the whole trip was the group!! Our guide, Brandon, was amazing! He was very knowledgeable about the site, but added personality, sarcasm, and spice to it, which we absolutely love! Guided tours can be horrible: either bc of the other tourists or the presentation of information is so dry, but that was definitely not the case with Brandon! He had small little tidbits of information and took us to an incredible lunch! It's extremely obvious he loves was he does. It's fun to banter with someone in that kind of atmosphere! It was a good time! Now, the tour itself was okay. It was interesting to see the bone chapel, but it was slightly underwhelming. Not horrible, just not as phenomenal as we were hoping for: somewhat anticlimactic. The cathedral was another cathedral. Interesting history behind it and still very beautifully constructed, but nothing insanely amazing about it. Basically, without Brandon and this specific group, this trip would've been boring.